Dip, Wipe, Swipe Poster | Digital Download
Dip, Wipe, Swipe Poster | Digital Download
Do your students endlessly spin their paint brushes around in their watercolors? Do they add way too much water to the paint pans when reapplying color? Are they mistreating your precious paint brushes while drawing to paint? f bless their little hearts! If you are answering yes to these questions then you need this super easy to follow paint brush painting guide! I call it “Dip Wipe Swipe”. It’s an easy way for your little ones to remember the proper steps when painting with their brushes! First you have them “DIP” their brush into the water, “WIPE” the brush on the lip of the water, and then finally “Swirl or SWIPE” their paint 3 times in the paint tray. It makes painting with littles easy peazy lemon squeezy!
This poster comes in as a high res PDF sized at 18x24 (but can be scaled to smaller sizes)!